What We Do at Sole for African Child
Supporting Children and The Youth to Reach Their Full Potential Is What We Do
01/ - At Soles For Africa
We Do
There’s magic in our energy, our spaces, our people and our discoveries. There’s even magic in our motivation: our unblinking belief that we can eradicae childhood disease — so that one day, like magic, children will no longer need us.

Finding and Funding
How do we go about what we do? Sole for African Child finds underprivileged children across Africa to give them a helping hand.
In our holistic approach to providing aid, we have distributed school supplies like shoes, sanitary pads and other everyday necessities including white canes, wheelchairs, reading glasses and solar LED kits to the less fortunate in urban and rural areas of Africa.
All donations received are given to the children and communities that need them.
Network Building
Building the Sole For African Child Family, a vast network across Africa, involves people from all walks of life, students, professionals, and entrepreneurs alike.
At the home for the African child we sensitize people for humanitarian support for the unreached communities in partnership with volunteers, companies, CBOs, other NGOs, institutions and the local government.
Would you like to give back to the society and support the younger generation?
With everything we do at the hub for African children, we endeavor to reach every disadvantaged child in Africa and give them shoes to walk through to their future.
Soles of African Child Foundation reaches the uneducated, impoverished, malnourished, discriminated against, neglected and vulnerable children and marginalized populations.
We help build their confidence and self- esteem by showing them strength, giving them hope, and inspiring them to be compassionate.